2.25 pounds potatoes, peeled
2.5 cups whipping cream, minimum 35% fat
6 cloves garlic, germ removed and chopped
0.75 cup Gruyère cheese, grated
Salt, pepper and nutmeg, to taste
Peel and wash the potatoes.
Pour the cream in a saucepan. Thinly slice the potatoes. Place them without washing in the pot. Add chopped garlic, salt, pepper, and a pinch of nutmeg. They should be covered by the cream but not "swimming" in it. Bring to a boil on medium heat. Stir occasionally to make sure that the potatoes do not stick to the bottom of the pot.
Arrange the potatoes evenly in a generously buttered gratin dish or in small individual oven dishes. The bottom of the dish can be rubbed with garlic. Cover completely with grated Gruyere cheese. Place the gratin on a baking tray just in case the cream boils over. Cook in the oven at 425°F for about 30 minutes. Then, reduce the oven temperature to 350°F for 15-20 minutes. Cook until the potatoes become golden brown on the top and are cooked through on the inside. Serve hot.